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Mac mini drive failure - replaced with SSHD

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Mi Problema

Glitches and slowdowns increased, then the computer wouldn't start. Recovery partition didn't work either. Started from Internet recovery, and found that the disk was no good. Ordered an SSHD disk that was better, and only $10 more than pure mechanical.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Got the system apart, and couldn't figure out how to get the logic board out. Busted a spudger trying. Macfixit to the rescue with the guide and the right tool.

Mi Consejo

The IR sensor connector is just friction, just lever up to disconnect, and push down to reconnection. It doesn't slide over pins. The tape on the drive connector is hard to see sometimes, but it's there. You need the logic board removal tool.

Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de T6 Torx Screwdriver
T6 Torx Screwdriver


Imagen de Mac mini Logic Board Removal Tool
Mac mini Logic Board Removal Tool


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