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Dang Battery

velosafamily -

iPhone 5

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

15 minuto - 1 hora


Mi Problema

My iPhone 5 Battery had a mind of its own and drove me crazy with the sudden shut downs and incorrect energy readings. It was time to get rid of the dang thing.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Replacing the battery couldn't have been easier with the step-by-step guidelines. The guidelines did mention that it could be difficult to pull out the old battery. iFixit must've known that my old battery loved driving me crazy and would take its one last chance to do so.

Mi Consejo

A tiny connector that looked like button snap disconnected while I was prying out the old battery. It was easy to reconnect, but wasn't something the guidelines had mentioned.

Imagen de iPhone 5 Battery
iPhone 5 Battery


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