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iphone 5 power button cable replacement

johnhall918 -

iPhone 5

iPhone 5 Audio Control and Power Button Cable Replacement

iPhone 5 Audio Control and Power Button Cable Replacement

45 minuto - 3 hora


Mi Problema

Well I couldn't turn off my phone. And that was getting old. The cost to send my iphone in for repair was $250. It only cost me $31 to fix it myself. I couldn't resist. Plus I like a challenge.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

It took a lot longer to do only because it was my first iphone repair and I really didn't want to mess anything up. Otherwise everything worked out well. I followed the step by step guide on ifixit, being sure to also read the comment/updates to the guide.

Mi Consejo

My biggest hitch was getting the battery out of my iphone 5. Contrary to the instructions in the guide, I found it easiest to pry the battery out from the side opposite the logic board. Came out very easily doing it that way, and didn't damage anything!

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