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Upgrading the SSD in my MacBook Air

Rachel Slatkin -

Mi Problema

128 GB is not enough space! I just got my MacBook Air a few months ago. The new one is out with a spiffy backlit keyboard and 256GB SSD, but I'm not ready to buy a new one yet.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

It was so much easier than replacing the hard drive in a white iBook! Piece of cake!

Mi Consejo

The screws are very very tiny! Keep them in a dish or a cup or stick them to tape. Don't lose them! And don't let the cat help.

Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de P5 Pentalobe Screwdriver Retina MacBook Pro and Air
P5 Pentalobe Screwdriver Retina MacBook Pro and Air


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