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Nintendo would not allow me to repair my own Wii

roberte1342 -

Mi Problema

Cooling fan in my ancient out of warranty launch day Wii quit working causing overheating, intermittent freezes and reboots.

Just like any other piece of electronics I've owned I attempted to order a replacement fan from Nintendo and was denied by a manufacturer for the first time. I even attempted to bribe their staff with free pizza to no avail. Apparently they would rather me find a fan at shady places that are in the 'mod/piracy' business as every legitimate parts supplier seems no longer allowed purchase them either.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

With the proper tools the repair went without a hitch. Took less than 10 minutes. I didn't need the guide but I checked it anyway in case I missed something.

Mi Consejo

I found my fan on eBay which included an offer to buy a 1TB USB hard drive with 500 pirated Wii games on it. Thank you Nintendo!

(Didn't take them up on the offer BTW)

Imagen de Metal Spudger
Metal Spudger


Imagen de Tri-point Y1 Screwdriver
Tri-point Y1 Screwdriver


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