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Aging IMAC G5

sktbrdr32 -

iMac G5 20" Model A1076

iMac G5 20" Model A1076 Optical Drive Replacement

iMac G5 20" Model A1076 Optical Drive Replacement


Mi Problema

A few parts have gone bad and Apple will no longer fix my computer. Internal power supply and Optical drive. Upgrading to leopard so i boosted the RAM to 2gb.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

All repairs went very smooth, the repair guides were the key to my confidence. Thanks for everything.

Mi Consejo

For anyone who is as shook as i was before i opened and started poking around in my IMAC G5 1076. Dont sweat it! Its a big LEGO set. A big expensive LEGO set so with a little patience and advise from IFIXIT youll be back up and running in minutes.

Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits


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