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$10 paperweight made into a phone.

Quietech -

iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G Battery Replacement

iPhone 3G Battery Replacement

25 minuto


Mi Problema

A friend of mine had a broken down iPhone 3G. The phone itself was in kind of rough condition. The power button was torn off, the LCD has lines across it and the battery wasn't holding a charge anymore. I figured that before sinking money into a replacement screen, fixing the battery and switch should be done first.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair went smoothly following the guides. Just lift up on the contact cables and don't push on them like a nut like I did. It was a great confidence builder and the tutorials were great. Of course, now I know that I have to buy a replacement for the internal power switches as well as a new LCD.

Mi Consejo

I went out to the local hobby shop and bought a little paint mixing disk. The kind with indentations. I numbered each of the 10 reservoirs and add the screws and bits to them in order. It made it a lot easier to find things. I just need to weigh it down so a hard breeze doesn't send it flying.

Imagen de iPhone 3G Battery
iPhone 3G Battery


Imagen de iPhone 3G and 3GS Power Button
iPhone 3G and 3GS Power Button


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