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Replacing a fan in a Macbook 1,1 1st gen

sunsilvercacao -

Mi Problema

my client's computer was shutting down as the fan was overheating and needed replacement.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair was fairly straight forward - I followed ifixit's guide for this Macbook, which was a great help. Having the mag project mat was indispensable - god those screws sure are small!

Mi Consejo

Have on hand a can of compressed air along with that mat! This Macbook had never been opened and where I live there is a lot of dust - the insides looked like the underneath of a bed that had not been cleaned in over 10 years! Dust bunnies along with cobwebs and dust! Probably why the comp was overheating! Haha. Sorry, did not take photos

Imagen de Magnetic Project Mat
Magnetic Project Mat


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