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My DIY home button repair!

housefamily -

iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Home Button Replacement

iPhone 4 Home Button Replacement

2 hora


Mi Problema

My iPhone 4 Home Button failed. I decided to try to do the fix myself, since Apple basically told me that they only recommend buying a new iPhone and don't replace defective home buttons on older iPhone's.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

It went very well, thanks to the quality tools, and detailed instructions.

Mi Consejo

The many screws required to remove is daunting...they are so small! I highly recommend doing as I did...print off the detailed instructions, and tape each screw and part to the instruction page that they are associated with. This way you will not lose the screws/parts, and you will easily remember which screw goes where as you go back through the instructions to reassemble.

Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de Phillips #00 Screwdriver
Phillips #00 Screwdriver


Imagen de Flathead 3/32" or 2.5 mm Screwdriver
Flathead 3/32" or 2.5 mm Screwdriver


Imagen de Tweezers


Imagen de P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone
P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone


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