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Fulfilling but unsuccessful (and in the end, needless) surgery

sean -

iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Vibrator Replacement

iPhone 4 Vibrator Replacement

20 - 40 minutos


Mi Problema

After a heavy fall on its head my iPhone 4's ringer and vibrate ceased working. I had this repaired but the repair only lasted a month before the problem returned. I ordered what I thought would be the parts I needed would be from iFixit and had a go myself.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

It was totally nerve racking as I didn't have much small electronics experience but the guides were clear - some sections could have had more / clearer photos. But I successfully replaced the vibrate motor and ringer switch. I should have replaced the headphone, ringer, volume control connector strip I think though because the problem wasn't solved when I put it all back together.

Mi Consejo

It took me about 3 hours to do. Lost a screw too. Get that magnetic mat! In the end I jailbroke the phone and installed a software ringer switch which turned on the audio so now I can hear the phone ring. But the vibrate motor is still not doing anything. Might have another go at some point.

Imagen de Essential Electronics Toolkit
Essential Electronics Toolkit


Imagen de iPhone 4 (GSM/AT&T) Vibrate/Ring Switch
iPhone 4 (GSM/AT&T) Vibrate/Ring Switch


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