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No way to replace battery of iPhone... 'r'you sure?!?

Matteo Codecasa -

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

20 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

I suspected that the battery was not lasting as the first days anymore

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I'm used and confident about opening electronics devices, even if sometimes it simply... doesn't work :-}

But I was somehow afraid to open the iPhone, for it is very very compact and robust and you feel you could break it or not be able to close it perfectly...

BUT, with great instructions and detailed notes, evrything was fine and - I'd say - enjoyable!

Mi Consejo


If I was forgetting anything, some notes popping out from iFixIt reminded it to me!

(not kidding, really!)

Imagen de iPhone 3GS Battery
iPhone 3GS Battery


Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de Suction Handle
Suction Handle


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