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Didn't need battery after fix.

dplank1 -

iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Battery Replacement

iPhone 4 Battery Replacement

5 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

The iPhone was losing charge at an alarming rate and I thought I needed a new one. However, after doing research I found a solution by resetting the battery internally.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Didn't do it, however I was relieved to find that it could be done after our local Apple Store said the battery could not be replaced. Your site seems to be a real solution for the consumer.

Mi Consejo


Imagen de Phillips #00 Screwdriver
Phillips #00 Screwdriver


Imagen de P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone
P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone


Imagen de iPhone 4 Battery
iPhone 4 Battery


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