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iPhone 3Gs battery replacement

mda01 -

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

20 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

Battery was dying at 35%. Battery was lasting less than a day with little use.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Took longer than suggested in the video.

Mi Consejo

The individual photographs were more helpful than the video. Explanation of disconnecting 3rd cable not very clear. Removing screen with suction cup took a lot more force than suggested.

But - I could not have done it without your explanations. Once completed everything worked perfectly.

Imagen de iPhone 3GS Battery
iPhone 3GS Battery


Imagen de SIM Card Eject Tool
SIM Card Eject Tool


Imagen de Suction Handle
Suction Handle


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