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New Life for my Old Phones

shanlever -

iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G Battery Replacement

iPhone 3G Battery Replacement

25 minuto


Mi Problema

My iPhone 4's logic board died and I did not want a new wireless contract at this time. I found my old iPhone 3 and began using it. The battery would only last 1-2 hours. Another person on my family plan has an iPhone 3GS and her battery would last about the same amount of time. So, I replaced both batteries.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair went extremely well. I was nervous that I would render the phone useless (by breaking something else) but it is in great shape (as of this exact moment)!

Mi Consejo

This is a cost effective way of extending the use of an old cell phone. I want to wait for the iPhone 5 (or whatever they are going to call it). Now, I have some life in my old phone so hopefully it will last until Apple releases the next new thing! Thanks!

Imagen de iPhone 3G Battery
iPhone 3G Battery


Imagen de iPhone 3GS Battery
iPhone 3GS Battery


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