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My Mac won't turn on.

Karin -

iMac G5 17" Model A1058

iMac G5 17" Model A1058 Power Supply Replacement

iMac G5 17" Model A1058 Power Supply Replacement

10 - 20 minutos


Mi Problema

My Mac kept turning off by itself. I took it to the Apple store where they told me it was the power supply. They couldn't fix it because it was too old and they didn't carry the part. My son, Paul, who buys everything from you, sent me your link.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I followed the trouble shooting instructions and determined it was the power supply. Even though my Mac is 7 years old, I don't have $2000. to buy another one. I watched the video on how to replace the power supply and figured I could do it. I couldn't get the part out so asked for help. Mayer told me what to do and it worked perfectly. I was really getting stressed out. I bought a new power supply from you and installed it. I am up and running again. Your site is invaluable!

Mi Consejo

Don't give up. It would cost a lot to have someone else fix it so why not try it myself. Have patience and take your time. Just like mayer told me, pull the power supply out first and the plug will come out easier.

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Heavy-Duty Spudger


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