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Replacing the optical drive in an iMac

marczilla -

iMac Intel 20" EMC 2133 and 2210

iMac Intel 20" EMC 2133 and 2210 Optical Drive Replacement

iMac Intel 20" EMC 2133 and 2210 Optical Drive Replacement


Mi Problema

For a while, the optical drive in our iMac didn't want to eject discs occasionally, which we coped with by inserting a couple of thin plastic cards while hitting the eject button. The drive eventually progressed to not reading discs at all.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair was straightforward. I had replaced the hard drive previously, so it wasn't nearly as scary opening the iMac this time.

Mi Consejo

Be careful when you are removing and replacing tiny screws, which have a tendency to run for cover inside your computer when dropped.

Imagen de 12.7 mm PATA 8x Pioneer SuperDrive
12.7 mm PATA 8x Pioneer SuperDrive


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