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Easily replaced broken back panel on iPhone 4S with liberation kit

caseyhancock -

iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Pentalobe Screws Replacement

iPhone 4 Pentalobe Screws Replacement

1 minuto


Mi Problema

The back glass panel of an iPhone 4S was broken from being dropped several times. I used a replacement back panel and an iPhone 4 Liberation Kit to replace the back panel--and then added a protective case.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

It was really easy to do, and went just as described in iFixit's instructions.

Mi Consejo

It was more difficult to snap the replacement back panel into place than I expected. I had to apply a good bit of pressure to get the new panel to slide down and lock into place. Even then it wasn't perfectly seated-maybe half a millimeter off. When I put the two (new, Phillips head) screws in, though, they pulled the back panel down into place and everything ended up aligned properly.

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