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Easier than I thought!

bullockrm -

MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2015

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MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2015 Battery Replacement

1 hora


Mi Problema

After 6 strenuous years, the factory battery was failing and swelling.

Mi Solución

Repair went off without a hitch, and the battery was easier to remove than advertised. Maybe it was just my situation, but with the adhesive remover the battery popped off easily.

Mi Consejo

Keep your screws organized! Also, be very careful when placing the motherboard back in - count the cables you pulled when removing and make sure they are all above it during reassembly!

Imagen de MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Mid 2015) Battery
MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Mid 2015) Battery


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