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Dang Apple!

peter pacheco III -

MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2014

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MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2014 MagSafe DC-In Board Replacement

2 hora


Mi Problema

MagSafe plug farted out and Apple refused to fix it. They told me to buy a new computer?!!??!!!

Mi Solución

Easy with the right tools, patience and time. Some advice for the IFIXIT team, please do something different for the colored circles identifying where screws need to come and go. I'm red green colorblind and had a hard time seeing what went where and second piece of advice is if you could make the step by step photos hi res that would help a lot as well when zooming in. Otherwise you guys &&^&^$^ rock!

Mi Consejo

Apple sucks, repair your own stuff and keep good working computers alive.

Imagen de MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2015) MagSafe 2 DC-In Board
MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2015) MagSafe 2 DC-In Board


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