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Everything Broken Is New Again

mediayogi -

iPad Mini Wi-Fi

iPad Mini Wi-Fi Front Panel Assembly Replacement

iPad Mini Wi-Fi Front Panel Assembly Replacement

2 hora


Mi Problema

Initially a broken iPad screen but in the replacement process I damaged the LCD screen so that had to be replaced as well.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Working through the repair guide for the screen replacement was straight forward. And the second time thru it when I replaced the LCD was even easier and I took my time and double checked everything. I also was able to use the forum to get feedback on whether or not I had damaged my LCD during the screen replacement process. All in all I learned from my mistakes and everything old is now new again!

Mi Consejo

Take your time and don't be in a hurry.

I would recommend some images and discussion on the two magnets used for screen locking as I had to go out an search elsewhere for answers as to where they were to be put back when I was reassembling my unit.

Imagen de iPad mini & mini 2 Adhesive Strips
iPad mini & mini 2 Adhesive Strips


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