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iPad 3 Front panel replacement

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iPad 3 Wi-Fi

iPad 3 Wi-Fi Front Panel Replacement

iPad 3 Wi-Fi Front Panel Replacement

1 hora


Mi Problema

I got an iPad 3 with an almost completely shattered front panel glass from a friend

Mi SoluciĆ³n

It went well, it was not really hard since most of the glass was broken already, it was easier to remove than expected

Mi Consejo

Take your time with the glass, I covered the entire screen with packing tape to keep most of the glass together, then used a jimmy tool to remove most the glass that remained around the edges.

To remove the glue i used qtips with a googone solution to damp all the areas that had residual tape, left for a few minutes and came back to an easily removable goo.

Imagen de iPad 2/3/4 Display Bezel
iPad 2/3/4 Display Bezel


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