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iPhone 5 backup phone battery replacement

Felix Pimentel -

iPhone 5

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

1 hora


Mi Problema

My wife recently lost her iPhone 6S at the JetBlue terminal in N.Y. She turned to our unused iPhone 5 for temporary relief but the once trusty phone would not hold a charge. Rather than pay someone to replace the battery, I decided to do it myself.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The IFIXIT kit arrived way sooner than I expected. Arrived with all the tools needed to do the job. However, something which I had not anticipated happened. iPhone 5 screen separated while disassembling. Seems the phone had been dropped on the bottom left corner which had caused damage to the screen assembly. Considering how old this device is. I have decided not to invest on a new screen. As of right now the battery is still in its original packaging. Unless I find an iPhone 5 screen assembly at a very low price, chances are I will never see this project through.

Mi Consejo

I recommend you closely inspect the device you intend to repair and evaluate the possibility additional parts may be needed.

Imagen de iPhone 5 Battery
iPhone 5 Battery


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