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Old iMac lives again!

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iMac Intel 20" EMC 2133 and 2210

iMac Intel 20" EMC 2133 and 2210 Power Supply Replacement

iMac Intel 20" EMC 2133 and 2210 Power Supply Replacement

1 hora


Mi Problema

I use an older iMac as a movie and photo server for a whole-house system and a few weeks ago it took its final breath...or so I thought!! Researched everything I could that described the symptoms I was having and finally landed on the power supply as the culprit.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Repair went flawlessly. Having watched the video before I even ordered the part, I was already equipped with the knowledge to be successful in my diy repair.

Mi Consejo

Don't be afraid. You've got this!

Imagen de iMac Intel 20" 2.0/2.4 GHz EMC 2133 Power Supply
iMac Intel 20" 2.0/2.4 GHz EMC 2133 Power Supply


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