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iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement | That's easy!

watappo -

iPhone 3GS

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iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

20 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

When turn on and use My iPhone, it will get very hot in 10 minutes!

And, battery will be empty in 1 hour even full charged.

That's crazy!

So, I decided fix it.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I referred those iFixit web page:

iPhone 3GS Replacement Battery:

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

It's easy!

But No.3 flat cable can be broken easily.

(See my Enlightenment)

Mi Consejo

I have three advises.


Suction Cup can be substituted for your any suction cup.

I purchased in the 100-yen shop, not iFixit.

(See a photo. I bought blue one. It sales "Stamp Holder" in DAISO Japan, but can use as suction cup. It is easy to hold a suction cup than Suction Cup what selling iFixit.)

So, if you can go to shop and buy like it, cheap than buy from iFixit. You can save your money.


When you disconnecting No.3 flat cable, be careful.

It can be broken easily.

You should unlock No.3 cable before disconnect it.

I broke my No.3 cable, omg(>_<)


Removing finely "Do not remove" seal is very difficult.

(2nd Photo : Before removed seal)

I couldn't remove finely, but I have made it in pieces (See also 3rd Photo)

So, when you remove the seal, be careful.

And I think that you must be ready for a seal becoming in pieces.

I'm hoping that "Do not remove" seal be sold by iFixit.


Thank you for reading! And sorry for my poor English.

I'm hoping that this my Story will be help you!

Thanks again!!

watappo (twitter on @watappo)

Imagen de iPhone 3GS Battery
iPhone 3GS Battery


Imagen de Spudger


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