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I gave my iMac a dual HD setup, with an SSD boot disk.

Johan Van den Brande -

iMac Intel 27" EMC 2429

Installing iMac Intel 27" EMC 2429 Dual Drive Kit (HDD or SSD)

Installing iMac Intel 27" EMC 2429 Dual Drive Kit (HDD or SSD)

3 hora


Mi Problema

The iMac got very slow lately. There seems to be a problem with the newer OSX releases running on magnetic disk only. A dual HD solution with an SSD boot and OS disk and a magnetic storage disk for the rest fixes this.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair went very well. It was not an easy fix, but I managed to do it in one evening.

Mi Consejo

Putting the logic board back in place can be difficult. I used some painters tape to keep all the cables back, so they could not get stuck under the logic board.

Watch out for the location of the SATA connector for the optical drive, I accidentally let it come out at the wrong position, so I had to redo the logic board removal.

Imagen de iMac Intel 27" (Mid 2011) Dual Hard Drive Kit
iMac Intel 27" (Mid 2011) Dual Hard Drive Kit


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