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Battery installed perfectly...but one tip I could make

mjmullinii -

iPod Classic

iPod Classic Battery Replacement

iPod Classic Battery Replacement

30 minuto - 2 hora

Very difficult

Mi Problema

After several years, the battery on my iPod Classic 160 had naturally lost its capacity.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Smoothly...exactly as the directions said.

Mi Consejo

Make sure the new batteries cable makes a good connecting when locking it back in place. Since you have to bend the new cable to try and match Apple's case, it sometimes has a little "springiness" to it that can make it hard without three hands :D to keep it in place while you use the Spudger to re-lock it.

I had my entire iPod back together for a day before I realized it had no battery capacity. Opened it back up and, sure enough, I didn't have the cable re-locked (popped up in fact the minute I reopened the case).

Reseated it, now the iPod (including it's battery life) are good as new!

Imagen de iPod Classic (Thick) Battery
iPod Classic (Thick) Battery


Imagen de Spudger


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