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iPhone 3GS Battery on the fritz

banmanb2 -

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

20 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

After a little over a year of faithful service, my iPhone 3GS started shutting down at random, when using any app besides making actual phone calls. Everyone knows Apple Care is of little help at the best of times, and when it comes to battery problems with their mobile devices, they are of no help at all. After some online searching, ifixit came up as a feasible alternative.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Like the online instruction video indicated, it took me about 20 minutes and my new iPhone battery from ifixit was installed. I held my breath and gave a slight nod to the Gods as I turned on the device, and presto! Good as new. For the cost of the battery, and the ease of the installation, I can't imagine ever calling Apple Care for any problem again, before checking for a solution on ifixit first.

Mi Consejo

As I said above, I can't imagine ever calling Apple Care for any problem again, before checking for a solution on ifixit first.

Imagen de iPhone 3GS Battery
iPhone 3GS Battery


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