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Fixed in a jiffy

kevindelong -

iPhone 5

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

15 minuto - 1 hora


Mi Problema

Batter would die in an iPhone 5 after 1 hour (ouch)

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair was straight forward, but did run in to a small complication due to a dent in the side of the iPhone. I did have to reshape the case and the screen would not re-set in the shell properly due to that dent. I can see why Apple rejected this device from the battery warranty program :)

Mi Consejo

Take your time ! When they tell you the battery is really in place due to the adhesive... they are not exaggerating. Heat and patience will prevail :)

Imagen de iPhone 5 Battery
iPhone 5 Battery


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