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Broken Kindle Fire HD screen

jenndavin -

Kindle Fire HD 8.9"

Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Display Assembly Replacement

Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Display Assembly Replacement

3 - 7 minutos


Mi Problema

I violated the house rules and left my Kindle on the hood of my wife's car. She drove off--and BAM--broken, shattered touch screen.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair was straight forward given the step by step instructions on this site and other sites.

Mi Consejo

Don't leave your device on a car. Stick to a set of rules about placement of the device--not on the floor, not on anything that can move, always have a protective cover of some kind--vanity is a waste of money if you drop your device and a protective but ugly cover would have saved you $$. And have the right set of tools and a repair budget or device insurance/warranty plan in place just in case you violate those rules--a few $ paid early will save $$$ later.

Imagen de Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (Wi-Fi) Screen
Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (Wi-Fi) Screen


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