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iPhone 3GS Battery Fix

xint -

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

iPhone 3GS Battery Replacement

20 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

Crash at ~30% batt, CRC ERR panic

Mi Solución

Went pretty well. However, the most tricky part was getting the logic board BACK in place. Some funniness near the power on/off switch. Full video @

Mi Consejo

Buy the #00 and spudger BESIDES the ones which come in the package. The in-package spudger broke (not in trying to get the battery out) and the separate #00 screwdriver was a bit more… precision. Oh, and use a business-card (refrigerator) magnet to hold screws. Thirdly, put an X on your bad battery. So you don't mix it up with the new one- I almost reinstalled the old battery.

Imagen de iPhone 3GS Battery
iPhone 3GS Battery


Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de Phillips #00 Screwdriver
Phillips #00 Screwdriver


Imagen de Suction Handle
Suction Handle


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