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I can't believe I did it myself

dlward00 -

MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo Model A1150

MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo Model A1150 Left I/O Board Replacement

MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo Model A1150 Left I/O Board Replacement


Mi Problema

I could not get my lap top to turn on. It has been down for 3 years now. I replaced the battery and the power cord and it still didn't work. I kept putting it off taking it in because I thought it would cost so much. I took the computer apart myself just exploring around and I found where the computer had been dropped and broke a piece off of a board. I went onto ifixit and found the I/O board that needed to be replaced and I ordered it.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I still had a lot of the computer apart so I just followed along the guide until I got to the place that i needed to be. I followed each step and it was very easy. Because I have never done this before there were a couple of areas that could have used more information like how to disconnect a ribbon or a connection. Does it lift up? Do you lift up a hinge and pull it out? But I made it through and replaced the board and was so happy when I put it all back together and it started right up. I did my happy dance. Now my only issue is that my OS is no longer supported and It wont accept the latest updates. Oh well it's still a great computer for what we need and will last many more years. (I hope)

Mi Consejo

Just add a little more detail about how to remove parts. Everything else was great.

Imagen de MacBook Pro 15" (Model A1150) Left I/O Board
MacBook Pro 15" (Model A1150) Left I/O Board


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