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Dock Connector Fix

Marty -

iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Speaker Enclosure Replacement

iPhone 4 Speaker Enclosure Replacement


Mi Problema

Was having intermittent charge and sync issues with My 4S Doc Connector.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Repair was easy with the pictorial repair guide from the website. 1 hour or so is all it took. This was my first repair for this phone.

Mi Consejo

Lay out and tape a big piece of white paper (24" x 24" )to a flat work surface. The tape is so you don't have to worry about catching the paper and shifting all the little screws around by accident. As you take the parts out write on the paper size Ie 1.2mm Phillips etc. and description of part. There is plenty of room to keep the parts separated to help ease any confusion of similar looking screws.

Imagen de iPhone 4S Dock Connector
iPhone 4S Dock Connector


Imagen de Tweezers


Imagen de Phillips #000 Screwdriver
Phillips #000 Screwdriver


Imagen de P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone
P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone


Imagen de iFixit Opening Tool
iFixit Opening Tool


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