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Fasten up my MacBook Pro

wimdieleman -

PowerBook G3 Wallstreet

PowerBook G3 Wallstreet Clutch Cover Replacement

PowerBook G3 Wallstreet Clutch Cover Replacement


Mi Problema

Bought a MacBook Pro early 2011, but getting slow with all the updates and software.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Changed the 2 x 2GB RAM Chip into 2 x 4 GB Ram Chip,

Made a FusionDrive - The 500GB HDD and the 128GB SSD made together the MacBook Pro 3 times faster...

in Allignment with a Clean install of OS X I have new computer for peanuts.

Mi Consejo

know how to make the fusion drive, ask advise and if you have questions.. => internet

Imagen de Unibody Laptop Dual Drive
Unibody Laptop Dual Drive


Imagen de PC3-10600 4 GB RAM Chip
PC3-10600 4 GB RAM Chip


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