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Yes, with a Caveat

Work -

Mi Problema

I was tasked with replacing the battery in 14 Ipad Gen 1's - That seemed easy enough, since I'd been repairing PC for Years.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The Repair started out ok I received my tools, and went right to work, using the iSesamo Tool I opened the first ipad pretty easy, The only issue I have with the iSesamo Tool is that after the 4th Ipad the tool is really bent up by now and you have to keep trying to straighten it (alot). The Metal Spudger set are a most valuable tool set as are the spudgers, Thus making the job at hand go rather smoothly.

Mi Consejo

The Biggest this is the screws THEY ARE NOR T5's They are T4's and That whomever is going to be doing ANY kind of work on an ipad 1 you better invest in the screen clips, after the 6 or 7th ipad I was able to save 4 to 6 clips which in my book is outstanding, just plan on replacing all 10. For the Price of the iSesamo Tool you should get 2 not 1.

Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de Metal Spudger Set
Metal Spudger Set


Imagen de P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone
P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone


Imagen de iSesamo Opening Tool
iSesamo Opening Tool


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