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A large smartphone by LG, released in fall 2014. The LG G3 (D855) boasts a Quad HD IPS display and a 13-megapixel camera.

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Aftermarket battery won't make my phone turn on

I recently got a PowerBear extended battery 6500Mah LG G3 and everything went well until I replaced the battery to the aftermarket battery. I tried to turn it on but nothing worked. I did a lot of troubleshooting solutions but none worked. When I plug in my old battery, Everything is fine and fast to boot up, unlike the aftermarket. I'm looking for people who has had a similar and/or same problem that can help me find a solution to this. I read in the internet that it might be the phone not reading it as its official battery theerefore not letting it do anything, but i found that rarely, when I was troubleshooting, The phone shows the percentage of the battery but just when I got my hopes up , I tried to power on , but it went back down to a black, unresponsive screen. Any help is appreciated

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maybe your aftermarket battery not good

->check the voltage of battery with voltage meter

->and compare the both battery

->if different, so the aftermarket battery isnt good

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I'm also thinking that its not good. luckily the people are nice and are sending me a replacement. Hopefully that one is good. Thanks for your help

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jamilrivera33 estará eternamente agradecido.
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