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Aporte original por: oldturkey03


@isaacmehler just to reiterate what my colleague is saying. You may need to try and match the switch from another board. Here is the schematics that @jayeff linked to [document|40692] The power button on this is shown on page 49


Going by that description, it is a Diptronics 4 position 2 hold illuminated switch. Now, head over to and check [|those switches] You most likely can match it up. I am sure there are other places then Mouser as well, its just that I know their stuff. No, I don't get any kickbacks :-)

This is not an answer but a mere augmentation to what my colleague has already referred to.

Sorry, I could not attach the boardview on here. but let me know if you want it so I can provide that for you as well.

