I followed the guide to change my screen but I can't see how to reconnect step 12, the connection under the button panel that flaps down. Any advice?[br]
Solved: I ended up pushing it into the space that doesn't look wide enough for it to fit. I did this with the tiny silicone flap open. I don't know if that made a difference. I pulled the flap closed by sticking a piece of masking tape with cotton tied round it!
I followed the guide to change my screen but I can't see how to reconnect step 12, the connection under the button panel that flaps down. Any advice?
I followed the guide to change my screen but I can't see how to reconnect step 12, the connection under the button panel that flaps down. Any advice?[br]
Solved: I ended up pushing it into the space that doesn't look wide enough for it to fit. I did this with the tiny silicone flap open. I don't know if that made a difference. I pulled the flap closed by sticking a piece of masking tape with cotton tied round it!
I followed the guide to change my screen but I can't see how to reconnect step 12, the connection under the button panel that flaps down. Any advice?