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Versión actual por: Barry A.


-ANOTHER PROBLEM ON SAME MODEL refrigerator is the defrosting DRAIN TUBE that goes down to evaporator catch-pan gets CLOGGED, thus causing water to back up and FREEZE all the way back up to the coils, thus DROPPING COOLING ABILITY DOWN TO NEXT TO NOTHING! You might noticed a SHEET OF ICE on bottom portion of freezer side when this happens as well. SOLUTION: removing rectangular bottom panel (usually cardboard believe it or not) on back of unit, then look in and up inside the freezer side for a small 4 inch black or white plastic curved tube, remove it's one attaching screw....flush out tube with hose/ water pressure, reinstall.....WELLA! Problem SOLVED !
+ANOTHER PROBLEM ON SAME MODEL refrigerator is the defrosting DRAIN TUBE that goes down to catch-pan (to naturally evaporate) gets CLOGGED, thus causing water to back up and FREEZE all the way back up to the coils, thus DROPPING COOLING ABILITY DOWN TO NEXT TO NOTHING! You might noticed a SHEET OF ICE on bottom portion of freezer side when this happens as well. SOLUTION: removing rectangular bottom panel (usually cardboard believe it or not) on back of unit, then look in and up inside the freezer side for a small 4 inch black or white plastic curved tube, remove it's one attaching screw....flush out tube with hose/ water pressure, reinstall.....WELLA! Problem SOLVED !



Aporte original por: Barry A.


ANOTHER PROBLEM ON SAME MODEL refrigerator is the defrosting DRAIN TUBE that goes down to evaporator catch-pan gets CLOGGED, thus causing water to back up and FREEZE all the way back up to the coils, thus DROPPING COOLING ABILITY DOWN TO NEXT TO NOTHING!  You might noticed a SHEET OF ICE on bottom portion of freezer side when this happens as well.  SOLUTION:  removing rectangular bottom panel (usually cardboard believe it or not) on back of unit, then look in and up inside the freezer side for a small 4 inch black or white plastic curved tube, remove it's one attaching screw....flush out tube with hose/ water pressure, reinstall.....WELLA! Problem SOLVED !

