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Versión actual por: Matt Zieminski


Samsung Model RB195ABBP display not working


-[video|5041][image|3063374][image|3063373][image|3063372]The display on my Model RB195ABBP stopped functioning properly. The fridge works. However, the temperature for both the fridge and the freezer no longer display. Instead, I see two flashing blue short lines. I've tried unplugging and replugging as well as turning off the breaker for a few minutes with no succces. I have attached some photos and a video.
+The display on my Model RB195ABBP stopped functioning properly. The fridge works. However, the temperature for both the fridge and the freezer no longer display. Instead, I see two flashing blue short lines. I've tried unplugging and replugging as well as turning off the breaker for a few minutes with no succces. I have attached some photos and a video.


-Samsung Refrigerator
+Samsung Refrigerator RB195AB



Editado por: Nic Junior


Samsung Model RB195ABBP display not working


-The display on my Model RB195ABBP stopped functioning properly. The fridge works. However, the temperature for both the fridge and the freezer no longer display. Instead, I see two flashing blue short lines. I've tried unplugging and replugging as well as turning off the breaker for a few minutes with no succces. I have attached some photos and a video.
+[video|5041][image|3063374][image|3063373][image|3063372]The display on my Model RB195ABBP stopped functioning properly. The fridge works. However, the temperature for both the fridge and the freezer no longer display. Instead, I see two flashing blue short lines. I've tried unplugging and replugging as well as turning off the breaker for a few minutes with no succces. I have attached some photos and a video.


Samsung Refrigerator



Aporte original por: Nic Junior


Samsung Model RB195ABBP display not working


The display on my Model RB195ABBP stopped functioning properly. The fridge works. However, the temperature for both the fridge and the freezer no longer display. Instead, I see two flashing blue short lines. I've tried unplugging and replugging as well as turning off the breaker for a few minutes with no succces. I have attached some photos and a video.


Samsung Refrigerator

