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Versión actual por: oldturkey03


@augustavan81723 since you checked the fuse you know that it at least should have power. I suggest that you next use the self diagnostic function for your HVAC. Here is how to do that.
Automotive AC are pretty complex so it will be difficult to go through each step on here. Use the HVAC part of the SM for your checks and let us know what you find out and where/if you get stuck. [document|31522]
After the self diagnostics, my next step would be check the clutch itself. if the tests all came back looking good.



Aporte original por: oldturkey03


@augustavan81723 since you checked the fuse you know that it at least should have power. I suggest that you next use the self diagnostic function for your HVAC. Here is how to do that.




Automotive AC are pretty complex so it will be difficult to go through each step on here. Use the HVAC part of the SM for your checks and let us know what you find out and where/if you get stuck. [document|31522]

After the self diagnostics, my next step would be check the clutch itself. if the tests all came back looking good.

