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Versión actual por: Matt Zieminski


Why is everything freezing on the bottom half of the fridge?


So, I have had this fridge now for about a year but it was used. Suddenly the fridge temp was getting warmer and warmer so not knowing what it was, I changed the water filter since it hadn't been changed in at least a year but obviously that wasn't what was causing the temp change. So after looking online I figured out that it was the evap fan motor. I replaced it myself and put everything back together. Within a day it was cooled all the way down to recommended temps.  2 days later, everything from the bottom half of the fridge is frozen.  Also, my water dispenser is not working. Ice had been coming out just fine from both Ice makers and now suddenly even the Ice makers are not working. I can't tell if this is all related or separate issues. I have found several people saying the water line may be frozen. Would that also cause the fridge to freeze up? I cannot afford for a repairman to come out and tell me something that I could potentially do myself. PLEASE HELP Model: PFE28RSHBSS


-Ge Profile refregerator
+GE Profile Refrigerator PFE28RSH



Aporte original por: Brittany Hooper


Why is everything freezing on the bottom half of the fridge?


So, I have had this fridge now for about a year but it was used. Suddenly the fridge temp was getting warmer and warmer so not knowing what it was, I changed the water filter since it hadn't been changed in at least a year but obviously that wasn't what was causing the temp change. So after looking online I figured out that it was the evap fan motor. I replaced it myself and put everything back together. Within a day it was cooled all the way down to recommended temps.  2 days later, everything from the bottom half of the fridge is frozen.  Also, my water dispenser is not working. Ice had been coming out just fine from both Ice makers and now suddenly even the Ice makers are not working. I can't tell if this is all related or separate issues. I have found several people saying the water line may be frozen. Would that also cause the fridge to freeze up? I cannot afford for a repairman to come out and tell me something that I could potentially do myself. PLEASE HELP Model: PFE28RSHBSS


Ge Profile refregerator

