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Versión actual por: dnatarheel


-Sometimes the computer responds to the power button
+Sometimes the computer doesn't respond to the power button


-I have the same problem: replaced with a Dell battery from iFixit about a month ago. Sometimes the computer responds to the power button, but often when it's been sleeping for a while, nothing happens. When I plug it in, it wakes right up, but there are 4 quick amber flashes on the front LED. The battery can be fully charged, and it still happens, but I haven't figured out any pattern for when it behaves normally and when it forgets how to find the battery. When I do get it running again with the power cord, I often get a Windows error, and programs like Chrome and Outlook have to ask to reload tabs and windows that were open when the computer went to sleep. Updated BIOS, tried power settings, etc.
+I have the same problem: replaced with a Dell battery from iFixit about a month ago. Sometimes the computer responds to the power button, but often when it's been sleeping for a while, nothing happens. When I plug it in, it wakes right up, but there are 4 quick amber flashes on the front LED. The battery can be fully charged, and it still happens, but I haven't figured out any pattern for when it behaves normally and when it forgets how to find the battery. When I do get it running again with the power cord, I often get a Windows error, and programs like Chrome and Outlook have to ask to reload tabs and windows that were open when the computer went to sleep. Updated BIOS, tried changing power settings, etc.
+I have reset the CMOS, and that didn't help.


Dell XPS 15 9570



Editado por: oldturkey03


-No Title (You should edit this question)
+Sometimes the computer responds to the power button


I have the same problem: replaced with a Dell battery from iFixit about a month ago. Sometimes the computer responds to the power button, but often when it's been sleeping for a while, nothing happens. When I plug it in, it wakes right up, but there are 4 quick amber flashes on the front LED. The battery can be fully charged, and it still happens, but I haven't figured out any pattern for when it behaves normally and when it forgets how to find the battery.  When I do get it running again with the power cord, I often get a Windows error, and programs like Chrome and Outlook have to ask to reload tabs and windows that were open when the computer went to sleep. Updated BIOS, tried power settings, etc.


Dell XPS 15 9570



Aporte original por: dnatarheel


No Title (You should edit this question)


I have the same problem: replaced with a Dell battery from iFixit about a month ago. Sometimes the computer responds to the power button, but often when it's been sleeping for a while, nothing happens. When I plug it in, it wakes right up, but there are 4 quick amber flashes on the front LED. The battery can be fully charged, and it still happens, but I haven't figured out any pattern for when it behaves normally and when it forgets how to find the battery.  When I do get it running again with the power cord, I often get a Windows error, and programs like Chrome and Outlook have to ask to reload tabs and windows that were open when the computer went to sleep. Updated BIOS, tried power settings, etc.


Dell XPS 15 9570

