Hi All,
I faced booting issues with my 13’’ early 2015 MacBook Air a couple of months back - had faced issues with switching it off and on. Post discovering this issue, I took my laptop for repair to a repair shop which deals in Apple products (my laptop is outside warranty period of course). They informed me that my MacBook has a logic/motherboard issue which needed repair - apparently there was some moisture (I never spilled any liquid btw, apparently sometimes it happens due to the weather as well is what I was told).
Anyway, they fixed the issue - my laptop has been booting fine after initial hiccups. They also formatted the OS and reinstalled macOs on my laptop. However, I have been facing various issues since then namely (i) fan speed is too loud, (ii) thunderbolt port has stopped working, (iii) bluetooth stopped working, and (iv) i can feel how slow my MacBook has become whenever I am surfing on the Internet or streaming anything.
Bluetooth issue has been fixed by the repair service centre. However, they are now asking me to pay up more if I want the fan and thunderbolt repaired. They have tried cleaning the fan (and removed dirt) - but it looks like the fan needs to be changed to resolve the issue. Currently, what’s more bothersome for me is the fan noise and the slow down of the speed of my MacBook.
Somehow, I find it hard to believe that these new issues are not due to the repair work done on the logic board. I had never faced issues relating to my macbook’s bluetooth, fan and thunderbolt before giving my MacBook for repair.
On making this observation, the repair service centre guys have been explaining to me this might be because my laptop was effectively “dead” the first time I brought to them (however that was not the case as my laptop used to turn on and off occasionally, but it wasn’t turning on the day I took my laptop to the repair centre) and when they were running diagnostic checks, it might have effected some other parts due to some voltage issue (which I didn’t really understand).
I would appreciate if I can get some direction on proceeding with this? Do I spend more money on it? I have spent around 120 USD on the logic board repair and I wasn’t informed that there may be consequential issues post the logic board repair - accordingly, I am not too keen on spending more money unless I can get some comfort that my issues will be resolved.
or alternatively is there anything I can do myself to fix this? I have tried resetting SMC based on instructions on Apple’s website. I have attached a screenshot of TG Pro check as well.
Would appreciate some feedback on this. Thank you in advance.