My S6 Lite developed a charging issue after a few months. It’s not the usual issue (I have thoroughly checked and worked with Samsung CS) and is probably a faulty controller inside. It recognizes the charger is attached and runs forever if plugged in but never charges the battery. I sent it to the Samsun repair center under warranty but they rejected it as the indicator has changed. I live on a tropical coast and it’s 99.9% humidity in rainy season. But tablets and laptops do fine for years and years. Problem is that the humidity trips the indicator and then there’s no warranty as the company considers the indicator 100% accurate.
My S6 Lite developed a charging issue after a few months. It would respond to the cable plugging in but the battery charge would not increase. Nor did it decrease as long as plugged in. I could use the table for hours at 5% charge while plugged in.
Swapping cables and chargers, cleaning the port made no difference, it always recognizes that it’s plugged in but shows zero amps of actual charge current going to the battery. I worked through some steps with Samsung support and it seems that it’s probably a faulty charge controller inside. . I sent it to the Samsung repair center under warranty but they rejected it as the indicator has changed. I live on a tropical coast and it’s 99.9% humidity in rainy season. But tablets and laptops do fine for years and years. Problem is that the humidity trips the indicator and then there’s no warranty service as the company considers the indicator to be 100% accurate, so it must be water damage is their contention.
Two questions:
1) how do we get these companies to realize that their indicators are not 100% accurate and that they are losing customer due to bad service based on indicators. I, for one, will never buy Samsung again due to refusal to repair using indicator as reason.
2) How can I repair this S6lite with a failed charge controller?
My S6 Lite developed a charging issue after a few months. It’s not the usual issue (I have thoroughly checked and worked with Samsung CS) and is probably a faulty controller inside. It recognizes the charger is attached and runs forever if plugged in but never charges the battery. I sent it to the Samsun repair center under warranty but they rejected it as the indicator has changed. I live on a tropical coast and it’s 99.9% humidity in rainy season. But tablets and laptops do fine for years and years. Problem is that the humidity trips the indicator and then there’s no warranty as the company considers the indicator 100% accurate.
Two questions:
1) how do we get these companies to realize that their indicators are not 100% accurate and that they are losing customer due to bad service based on indicators. I, for one, will never buy Samsung again due to refusal to repair using indicator as reason.
2) How can I repair this S6lite with a failed charge controller?