Attaching welding wire to cinder blocks with no drilling
How can I attach a welding wire to a raised bed built out of cinder blocks while preserving wire's conductivity. The wire is attached to 9 v battery. I was thinking of using silicone adhesive used for pottery, but I am not sure if this will stop the flow of electricity? I do not want to drill nor use concrete nails. Looking for glue on solutions. Anyone know if product like Sugru would work for this purpose? Thank you.
Attaching welding wire to cinder blocks with no drilling
How can I attach a welding wire to a raised bed built out of cinder blocks while preserving wire's conductivity. The wire is attached to 9 v battery. I was thinking of using silicone adhesive used for pottery, but I am not sure if this will stop the flow of electricity? I do not want to drill nor use concrete nails. Looking for glue on solutions. Anyone know if product like Sugru would work for this purpose? Thank you.