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Aporte original por: Steve Miller


Check you’re Batteries On the Romote Mine did this this I got From AMAZAN ..when it was on sale Not the one with Ruku in it  there is a Dingle Power Button right Under the Plastic Light  It Popped the day the Batteries finally stopped working  So I Unplugged it from the APC Power Bar waited 2 to 3 mins before I Plugged it this reset’s everything back to Default like all most out of the Box had to go re set the setting’s the way I had after that turned it on with the remote No Blue Light just red when the Screen came On the Big HISENCE SMART TV Circle came Up with an Update yes or no came up what did it change no extra features  The Blue light was Alway’s ON When the TV was On weather I used as My large Screen TV and My Labtops Extra Monitor so I’m not sure set I can help yea’s with the Blue Light thingy there nothing in the Instruction Manual from HISENCE about this  ALL I heard the day it went was a Pop the TV went off  tried the remote first thing was to change the Batteries one at a time Jus like the BELL FIBE TV Box remote when it goes uselly thats’s the case some the code need’s to be reset you call you’re provider for that but this not sure never happened before if the red standby light’s come off when the TV’s off the Blue Light should to  but it’s Not .watch How many Hisence techsuppor run where they think they Might have the answer for this one lol

