* May be something is wrong with charging socket of your cell.May be your charger itself is at fault.Try from someone else’s charger..if it does then definitely problem is with it.If it doesn’t work then maximum chargers are the inner circuit,also known as charging socket is at fault..U need to change it
* May be something is wrong with charging socket of your cell.May be your charger itself is at fault.Try from someone else’s charger..if it does then definitely problem is with it.If it doesn’t work then maximum chargers are the inner circuit,also known as charging socket is at fault..U need to change it.. U can check guide here [https://www.dqfansurvey.us/dqfanfeedback/|www.dqfanfeedback.com]
* May be something is wrong with charging socket of your cell.May be your charger itself is at fault.Try from someone else’s charger..if it does then definitely problem is with it.If it doesn’t work then maximum chargers are the inner circuit,also known as charging socket is at fault..U need to change it