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Versión actual por: Toni


Does this laptop need a battery to work?


-When I plug in my adapter I get an orange light for about 2 seconds and the fan goes on and then off then It turns white, but once I remove the battery then and plug in the adapter by itself the fan turns on and some of the keys turn white and you can hear the hard drive but the screen will not display anything. Is this because of the battery? Does the battery power the motherboard or will the power adapter do it just fine?
+When I plug in my adapter I get an orange light for about 2 seconds and the fan goes on and then off then It turns white, but once I remove the battery then and plug in the adapter by itself the fan turns on and some of the keys turn white and you can hear the hard drive but the screen will not display anything. Is this because of the battery? Does the battery power the motherboard or will the power adapter do it just fine?
+=== Update (07/18/2018) ===
+I got the enternal monitor to work, but I can't get the new monitor to come on. Do I need to do a driver update in order to get the new monitor to work?


HP Envy 4-1105dx



Aporte original por: Toni


Does this laptop need a battery to work?


When I plug in my adapter I get an orange light for about 2 seconds and the fan goes on and then off then It turns white, but once I remove the battery then and plug in the adapter by itself the fan turns on and some of the keys turn white and you can hear the hard drive  but the screen will not display anything. Is this because of the battery? Does the battery power the motherboard or will the power adapter do it just fine?


HP Envy 4-1105dx

