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Aporte original por: Nino Kovačić


Answer is very simple: When you select Macedonia, Croatia and some other countries TV does not search all frequencies. Because of some lazy and hasty people in Sony , Philips , LG... which didn't check all cable providers in those countries.  So when you select DVBC (or before) you have to go to digital settings and  choose fully

For Sony

(Channel Setup -> Digital TV Settings -> Digital Setup -> Auto Search Range -> Fully)

(in Croatia: Postavljanje kanala->Postavke za digitalni TV->Digitalno podešavanje->Raspon automatskog pretraživanja->Potpuno)

For Philips

After you select DVBC and Digital or Digital and analog or analog instead of start (pokreni) you have to go on settings (postavke) and channel search method (metoda traženja kanala) Full (Puno )

