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Versión actual por: Kylie Ewing


My Beats Studio wireless won't charge


-My Beats Studio wireless won't charge I have tried resetting them connected to power and not connected to power I've tried 3 different cords none of which have work I have done a bunch of research trying to figure out how to fix it. I can't use my adapter cord because that doesn't work and it never has worked but since I had Bluetooth I never really need it to use it. I am very disappointed about my Beats Studio wireless not working anymore because I've only had them since Christmas 2016.
+My Beats Studio wireless won't charge I have tried resetting them connected to power and not connected to power I've tried 3 different cords none of which have work I have done a bunch of research trying to figure out how to fix it. I can't use my adapter cord because that doesn't work and it never has worked but since I had Bluetooth I never really need it to use it. I am very disappointed about my Beats Studio wireless not working anymore because I've only had them since Christmas 2016.
+RIP Kylie's Beats Studio Wireless
+Christmas 2016~July 5, 2017


Beats Studio Wireless



Aporte original por: Kylie Ewing


My Beats Studio wireless won't charge


My Beats Studio wireless won't charge I have tried resetting them connected to power and not connected to power I've tried 3 different cords none of which have work I have done a bunch of research trying to figure out how to fix it.  I can't use my adapter cord because that doesn't work and it never has worked but since I had Bluetooth I never really need it to use it.  I am very disappointed about my Beats Studio wireless not working anymore because I've only had them since Christmas 2016.


Beats Studio Wireless

